From organization and infrastructure to personnel and equipment, the Navy today faces unique warfighter, security, and humanitarian missions that require innovation, adaptability, mobility and efficiency.
We deliver insight and experience to our clients and their goals, spanning the Office of the Secretary of the Navy and Chief of Naval Operations to the Navy’s fleet operational commands and system commands. We deliver strategic and technology solutions and client services supporting logistics, procurement, personnel programs, training, information technology (IT), maintenance, and the budget process.
Our team of Admirals, senior officers, and former senior executives in the defense and Navy commercial space provide our clients with the strategic planning, competitive intelligence, and access necessary for success.
Whether our clients are working to support modernization and acquisition, innovation or readiness initiatives, or strategic and joint operations, our experience, support and solutions will help you meet your objectives.
CAPT Karen Baetzel, USN, Ret.
BG Tim Coffin, USA, Ret.
RDML Lawrence “Larry” Creevy, USN, Ret.
VADM Lou Crenshaw, USN, Ret.
RDML Tom Druggan, USN, Ret.
Paul Dugan, OBE
Mr. David Eikelberg
COL Timothy Faulkner, USA, Ret.
VADM Michael Franken, USN, Ret.
Mr. Andrew Griffith, SES, Ret.
CAPT Stuart Karon, USN, Ret.
RDML Tom Kearney, USN, Ret.
CAPT Mark Kester, USN, Ret.
VADM Steve Loftus, USN, Ret.
CAPT Dale Lumme, USN, Ret.
CAPT Sean McDermott, USN, Ret.
BG Marvin “Keith” McNamara, USA, Ret.
Mr. Asif Moosa
Mr. Mark Nichols
VADM Dan T. Oliver, USN, Ret.
CAPT Tim Oliver, USN, Ret.
CAPT Bill Personius, USN, Ret.
VADM Norbert Ryan, USN, Ret.
Mr. Ahmed Selim
CAPT Jim Shields, SC, USN, Ret.
CAPT Rich Thayer, USN, Ret.
CAPT Chris Trost, USN, Ret.
RDML Kent Whalen, USN, Ret.
Ms. Ariane Whittemore, SES, Ret.
CAPT Andrew “Andy” Wilde, USN, Ret.
CAPT Randolph “Randy” Wood, USN, Ret.
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Leveraging leading industry, military and security expertise to deliver proven business solutions.
With U.S. and global consultants, we support business in countries and with governments around the world.
Leveraging our U.S. and global government and industry networks and expertise to support client success.
Supporting technology and innovation for sustainability, climate change, and energy and environmental security and law.
Enabling strategic and successful entry into healthcare industries and navigation of federal and industry requirements.