The SPECTRUM Group’s Members represent a dynamic alliance of more than 100 distinguished and experienced experts from diverse professional, political and military backgrounds.
Browse our Members’ bios below, or use our search tool to look up a Member by name.
Ms. Kim Amann
Ms. Sandy Anderson
CAPT Karen Baetzel, USN, Ret.
The Honorable Alex Beehler
LTG H. Steven Blum, USA, Ret.
COL Alfred Brooks, USA, Ret.
The Honorable Jennifer Buck
Brig Gen Terry Bullard, USAF, Ret.
MG Julian “JB” Burns, USA, Ret.
LTG John Caldwell, USA, Ret.
Mr. Andrew J. Campbell
COL William Carty, USA, Ret.
MG Robert Catalanotti, USA, Ret.
Mr. Paul Chaffiotte
Mr. Jason Clark
MG George Close, USA, Ret.
BG Timothy Coffin, USA, Ret.
Mr. Peter Conner
MG Kendall Cox, USA, Ret.
RDML Larry Creevy, USN, Ret.
VADM Lou Crenshaw, USN, Ret.
Ms. Mikelle Cronk
Mr. Charlie Dale
Mr. Addison “Tad” Davis, SES, Ret.
COL Gilbert “JR” Deimel, USA, Ret.
Maj Gen Mark Dillon, USAF, Ret.
COL Ron Dritlein, USA, Ret.
RDML Tom Druggan, USN, Ret.
Mr. Paul Dugan, OBE
Maj Gen Felix Dupre, USAF, Ret.
Lt Col Randy Durham, USAF, Ret.
Ms. Jasmine Eden
Mr. David Eikelberg
Mr. Erich Elkins
BG Huseyin Erim, Turkish Army, Ret.
COL Timothy Faulkner, USA, Ret.
LTC Don Fix, USA, Ret.
COL Mike Flanagan, USA, Ret.
BG David Foley, USA, Ret.
Col Mark Foley, USAF, Ret.
VADM Michael Franken, USN, Ret.
CSM Jake Fryer, USA, Ret.
BG Jim Gabrielli, USA, Ret.
Ms. Melissa Gatewood
Ms. Molly Griffin
Mr. Andrew Griffith, SES, Ret.
CAPT Dave Halladay, USN, Ret.
CAPT Lushan Hannah, USCG, Ret.
CMSgt John Harris, USAF, Ret.
Mr. Ernest “E.J.” Herold
LTG David Huntoon Jr., USA, Ret.
Brig Gen Jeff Hurlbert, USAF, Ret.
Ms. Gillian Jaeger, MHA
Mr. James Jones
MG Michael Jones, USA, Ret.
CAPT Stuart Karon, USN, Ret.
RDML Tom Kearney, USN, Ret.
CAPT Mark Kester, USN, Ret.
BG Tom Konitzer, USA, Ret.
Ms. Barbara Koscak
Dr. Srinagesh Koushik, RAC
Mr. Marty Leclerc
Mr. Francis LeGasse
COL M. James Littig, USA, Ret.
Dr. Jeffrey Lobas
Ms. Esther Lofgren
VADM Steve Loftus, USN, Ret.
ADM T. Joseph Lopez, USN, Ret.
CAPT Dale Lumme, USN, Ret.
RDML Michael Mahon, USN, Ret.
BG Vince Malone, USA, Ret.
CAPT Mark Maxwell, USN, Ret.
CAPT Sean McDermott, USN, Ret.
Mr. Gerald McDonald
BG Marvin McNamara, USA, Ret.
RDML Mark Melson, USN, Ret.
Maj Gen Ken Merchant, USAF, Ret.
Mr. Gerald “Jerry” Michaud
COL John Mills, USA, Ret.
Mr. Asif Moosa
Mr. Mark Nichols
COL Jack O’Neill, USA, Ret.
Ms. Diane O’Toole
LTG Dave Ohle, USA, Ret.
VADM Dan Oliver, USN, Ret.
CAPT Tim Oliver, USN, Ret.
COL George Patten, USA, Ret.
Ambassador Bob Pearson, Ret.
Ms. Karla Perri
CAPT Bill Personius, USN, Ret.
COL LaDenna Piper, USA, Ret.
Mr. Luis “Alejandro” Posse
COL Greg Potts, USA, Ret.
Mr. Paul Rancatore
Dr. Anthony “Tony” Rhem
Mr. Garry Richey, SES, Ret.
Mr. Roberto “Bob” Ruiz
VADM Norbert Ryan, USN, Ret.
Maj Gen Keye Sabol, USAF, Ret.
BG Donald Schenk, USA, Ret.
Mr. Bill Schroeder
Ms. Kathleen Schweinfurth
Mr. Ahmed Selim
Mr. Zuhair Shammout
Mr. Gregory Sharp
CAPT Jim Shields, SC, USN, Ret.
Mr. Amr Shoukry
Mr. Kevin Sligh, SES, Ret.
LtCol Howard Snow III, USMC, Ret.
Lt Gen Glenn Spears, USAF, Ret.
Mr. Michael Stewart
CAPT Rich Thayer, USN, Ret.
CAPT Chris Trost, USN, Ret.
The Honorable Brooks Tucker
Mr. Ricardo Vanella
Mr. William “Bill” Watts
RDML Kent Whalen, USN, Ret.
Ms. Karen Whitacre
Brig Gen D. Tim White, USAF, Ret.
Ms. Ariane Whittemore, SES, Ret.
CAPT Andrew “Andy” Wilde, USN, Ret.
Col Robert “Otis” Winkler, USAF, Ret.
LTC Grayson Winterling, USA, Ret.
CAPT Randolph Wood, USN, Ret.
Mr. Samuel Wyman III
Gen Anthony Zinni, USMC, Ret.
Explore our diverse services to learn how The SPECTRUM Group can help resolve your challenges and support your goals.
Leveraging leading industry, military and security expertise to deliver proven business solutions.
With U.S. and global consultants, we support business in countries and with governments around the world.
Leveraging our U.S. and global government and industry networks and expertise to support client success.
Supporting technology and innovation for sustainability, climate change, and energy and environmental security and law.
Enabling strategic and successful entry into healthcare industries and navigation of federal and industry requirements.
The SPECTRUM Group supports clients with a complete continuum of pre- and post-acquisition management and independent programmatic due diligence services.
NIST 800-171, CMMC, ISO, and related cyber security and risk management compliance, audit, and certification solutions.
Helping clients achieve NIST 800-171 compliance and SPRS documentation, integrating other compliance & certification requirements.
Helping clients achieve CMMC 2.0 compliance while integrating other DoD, USG, and industry requirements into a single compliance process.
Providing innovative, tailored executive leadership and training development via our exceptional, certified team of senior leaders and experts.
Helping clients deliver the right strategic message to the right key decision-makers in government and business.
Our team of renowned professionals has the expertise, networks, and strategic perspective to help address client challenges in any industry or country.
Our team of leaders from the military, government, industry, and intelligence community provide critical insights and connections for sustained client success.
With more than 30 years of successful delivery, The SPECTRUM Group shares our clients’ commitment to regulatory compliance and ethical business practices.